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Introduction: • Common Names: Horned Nerite Snail, Crowned Nerite Snail • Natural Habitat: Native to rivers and streams across Southeast Asia, thriving in freshwater and brackish environments. Physical Characteristics: • Appearance: Small, rounded shell adorned with tiny horn-like projections, often with patterns of black, yellow, or brown stripes. • Size: Grows to about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) in diameter. • Lifespan: Typically lives 1-2 years with good care. Habitat Requirements: • Tank Size: Suitable for nano tanks of 5 gallons or larger; ideal in community setups. • Water Conditions: o Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C). o pH: Prefers slightly alkaline water, between 7.5-8.5. • Aquascaping: Appreciates tanks with plants, driftwood, and rocks for grazing. Diet: • Primary Diet: Algae grazer; feeds on algae film that grows on tank surfaces, glass, and decorations. • Supplemental Feeding: If algae is scarce, provide blanched vegetables or algae wafers. • Feeding Frequency: Grazes constantly; supplemental feeding is only occasionally necessary. Compatibility: • Temperament: Peaceful and non-aggressive; an ideal choice for community tanks. • Suitable Tank Mates: Gets along well with small, peaceful fish, shrimp, and other snails. • Incompatibilities: Avoid aggressive or predatory species that may harm or stress the snail. Care Level: • Difficulty: Very easy; requires minimal maintenance. • Health Monitoring: Check for shell health and ensure stable water parameters to prevent stress. Breeding: • Breeding in Captivity: Rarely reproduces in freshwater; eggs are often seen but don’t hatch successfully in aquariums. • Spawning: Lays tiny white eggs on surfaces, though they typically don’t develop in tanks. Economic Considerations: • Market Demand: Popular for algae control and decorative appearance in aquariums. • Pricing: Economically accessible and widely available. Sustainability and Conservation: • Wild Population: Generally stable; frequently captive-bred for aquariums. • Aquaculture Efforts: Widely farmed to meet demand, reducing wild collection pressure. Conclusion: The Horned Nerite Snail is a delightful addition to any aquarium, prized for its algae-eating skills and unique, decorative shell. Its peaceful nature and ease of care make it a favorite among beginners and seasoned aquarists alike.
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