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Ellioti Cichlid
2.36-2.76 INCH
Stock Available
Common Names: African Assorted Cichlids.
Natural Habitat: Primarily found in the African Rift Lakes, including Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria. These lakes are known for their rocky shores, sandy bottoms, and clear alkaline waters.
Physical Characteristics:
Appearance: Assorted African Cichlids come in a variety of vibrant colors, including yellows, blues, reds, and blacks. Patterns may include stripes, spots, or solid colors, depending on the species.
Size: Most species range from 4-6 inches (10-15 cm) in length, though some can grow larger depending on their specific type.
Lifespan: Typically live 6-10 years in captivity with proper care.
Habitat Requirements:
Tank Size: Minimum of 55 gallons for a mixed group, with larger tanks (75+ gallons) recommended for maintaining multiple individuals.
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C).
pH: 7.8-9.0 (alkaline water is essential).
Water Hardness: 10-20 dGH.
Aquascaping: Create a habitat with rocky caves and crevices for hiding and territory establishment. Use sand or fine gravel substrate to mimic their natural environment. Live plants are optional but choose hardy species like Anubias or Vallisneria that can withstand occasional nibbling.
Primary Diet: Omnivorous; their natural diet varies by species and includes algae, plankton, and small invertebrates.
Supplemental Feeding: Provide a mix of high-quality cichlid pellets or flakes, along with occasional supplements like spirulina, brine shrimp, or bloodworms.
Feeding Frequency: Feed 2-3 times daily in small portions to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.
Temperament: Semi-aggressive; African Cichlids are territorial and may exhibit dominance behaviors, especially in mixed setups.
Suitable Tank Mates: Best kept with other African Cichlids of similar size and temperament. Non-cichlid tank mates, such as larger catfish (e.g., Synodontis), can coexist peacefully.
Incompatibilities: Avoid small, peaceful species or overly aggressive tank mates like Central or South American Cichlids.
Care Level:
Difficulty: Moderate; requires consistent water quality, careful tank setup, and attention to territorial behaviors.
Health Monitoring: Watch for signs of stress, fin damage, or diseases like ich and Malawi bloat, which are common among African Cichlids. Maintain a strict quarantine protocol for new additions.
Breeding Behavior: Many African Cichlids are mouthbrooders, with females incubating fertilized eggs in their mouths until hatching.
Spawning: Requires stable water conditions, proper territories, and a diet rich in protein to encourage breeding.
Breeding in Captivity: Relatively easy, especially in species like Mbuna and Peacock Cichlids. Fry can be raised separately to ensure survival.
Economic Considerations:
Market Demand: Highly sought after in the aquarium trade for their vibrant colors and engaging behaviors.
Pricing: Moderate; prices vary depending on species, size, and color intensity. Assorted African Cichlids are often priced as a group rather than individually.
Assorted African Cichlids bring dynamic color, energy, and personality to freshwater aquariums. Their active nature and vibrant hues make them a popular choice among aquarists. However, their semi-aggressive temperament and specific habitat needs require careful planning and maintenance. With proper care, African Cichlids can thrive in a well-maintained tank and provide endless fascination with their social interactions and territorial displays.
Data sheet
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