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3.5 CM
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Common Names: Gold Severum, Golden Severum, Banded Cichlid.
Natural Habitat: Originates from the slow-moving rivers, tributaries, and lakes of the Amazon Basin in South America. They inhabit areas with dense vegetation and submerged wood.
Physical Characteristics:
Appearance: The Gold Severum is a vibrant golden-yellow variant of the wild-type Severum, with a rounded body shape and occasionally faint horizontal bands. They have expressive eyes and can develop reddish hues on their fins as they mature.
Size: Grows to about 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) in captivity.
Lifespan: 8-10 years with proper care.
Habitat Requirements:
Tank Size: Minimum of 55 gallons for a single fish; larger tanks (75+ gallons) are recommended for pairs or community setups.
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C).
pH: 6.0-7.5.
Water Hardness: 4-15 dGH.
Aquascaping: Provide a mix of open swimming space and hiding spots created with rocks, driftwood, and plants. Opt for hardy plants like Java Fern or Anubias, as Gold Severums may nibble on softer plants.
Primary Diet: Omnivorous; in the wild, they feed on small invertebrates, plant matter, and detritus.
Supplemental Feeding: Offer a varied diet of high-quality cichlid pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. They also enjoy occasional vegetable treats such as blanched spinach, peas, or zucchini.
Feeding Frequency: Feed 2-3 times daily in small portions to prevent overfeeding and maintain water quality.
Temperament: Generally peaceful but can become territorial during breeding. They are more docile than many other cichlid species, making them a good choice for a semi-aggressive community tank.
Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with similar-sized fish like angelfish, keyhole cichlids, and plecos. Larger tetras, rainbowfish, and gouramis can also make good tank mates.
Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with very small fish, such as neon tetras, as they may be seen as food. Aggressive cichlids like Oscars or Convicts may outcompete them for territory.
Care Level:
Difficulty: Moderate; requires stable water conditions and regular tank maintenance.
Health Monitoring: Watch for common freshwater diseases like ich and fin rot. Ensure a clean environment and quarantine new tank mates to reduce the risk of disease.
Breeding Behavior: Gold Severums are open spawners and form monogamous pairs. Breeding often occurs on a flat surface like a rock or a large leaf.
Spawning: The female lays eggs in neat rows, which the male fertilizes. Both parents will guard the eggs and fry diligently.
Breeding in Captivity: Relatively easy under the right conditions. Maintain slightly warmer water (78-82°F) and provide a diet rich in protein to encourage spawning.
Economic Considerations:
Market Demand: Popular among freshwater aquarists for their vibrant color, manageable size, and relatively peaceful nature.
Pricing: Moderate; pricing depends on size and color intensity.
The Gold Severum Cichlid is a stunning and hardy addition to medium and large freshwater aquariums. Its vibrant coloration and calm demeanor make it a favorite among aquarists. With proper care, stable water conditions, and a balanced diet, these fish can thrive and become a centerpiece in any community tank. Their ease of breeding and strong parental instincts add an extra layer of fascination for aquarists looking to observe natural behavior.
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