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Vagabond Butterflyfish - Large
Stock Available
Common Names: Whiteface Butterflyfish, White-faced Butterflyfish.
Natural Habitat: Found in the coral reefs and rocky areas of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Prefers sheltered reef zones with abundant coral growth and crevices for hiding.
Physical Characteristics:
Appearance: A striking species with a primarily white face, black body, and vertical white bars. It features a distinct yellow dorsal and caudal fin, adding to its visual appeal.
Size: Grows up to 5 inches (13 cm) in length.
Lifespan: Typically 5-7 years in captivity with proper care.
Habitat Requirements:
Tank Size: Minimum of 75 gallons, with larger tanks recommended for multiple butterflyfish or mixed setups.
Water Conditions:
Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C).
pH: 8.1-8.4.
Salinity: 1.020-1.025 specific gravity.
Aquascaping: Provide a reef-style setup with ample live rock for hiding and grazing. Ensure plenty of open swimming space.
Primary Diet: Omnivorous; in the wild, it feeds on coral polyps, algae, and small invertebrates.
Supplemental Feeding: In captivity, offer a varied diet of high-quality frozen foods such as mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and chopped seafood. Enriched marine flakes and pellets can also be provided. Nori or other algae-based foods are beneficial.
Feeding Frequency: Feed 2-3 times daily in small portions.
Temperament: Generally peaceful but can be territorial toward other butterflyfish.
Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with other peaceful reef fish, such as tangs, wrasses, and angelfish. Best kept in fish-only or carefully selected reef tanks.
Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with aggressive species or invertebrates it may nip at, such as ornamental shrimp or delicate corals.
Care Level:
Difficulty: Moderate; requires stable water conditions and a varied diet. Coral-rich tanks may pose challenges as they are known to nip at corals.
Health Monitoring: Observe for signs of stress, ich, or other common marine diseases. Regular water changes and quarantine procedures are essential.
Breeding Behavior: Not commonly bred in captivity. In the wild, they form monogamous pairs and engage in open-water spawning.
Breeding in Captivity: Rarely achieved due to their specific habitat and dietary requirements.
Economic Considerations:
Market Demand: Popular among advanced aquarists for their unique coloration and elegant appearance.
Pricing: Moderate to high, depending on size and availability.
The Whiteface Butterflyfish is a stunning and unique species that adds elegance to any marine aquarium. While its peaceful demeanor makes it compatible with many tank mates, its dietary needs and potential to nip at corals make it best suited for experienced aquarists. With proper care and a thoughtfully designed tank, this species can thrive and become a centerpiece in a saltwater setup.
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