SKU : 114096

3.5 CM


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Introduction • Species: Betta Rose Petal • Common Names: Rose Petal Betta • Natural Habitat: Native to the shallow, slow-moving waters of Southeast Asia, particularly in rice paddies, ponds, and streams. Physical Characteristics • Appearance: Rose Petal Bettas are known for their distinctive, flowing fins that resemble rose petals, often with a mix of iridescent colors. They exhibit a variety of color patterns, with the most common being vibrant reds, blues, and purples. • Size: Typically grows to about 2.5 inches (6 cm) in length. • Lifespan: With proper care, they live 3-5 years in a well-maintained aquarium. Habitat Requirements • Tank Size: A minimum of 5 gallons is recommended for a single Betta, but larger tanks are ideal for better swimming space and stability. • Water Conditions: o Temperature: 76-82°F (24-28°C) o pH: 6.0-7.5 o Filtration: Gentle filtration is necessary to maintain water quality, as Bettas prefer calm water. • Aquascaping: Provide plants, hiding spots, and gentle decorations to mimic their natural environment, while also leaving space for swimming. Diet • Primary Diet: Carnivorous, feeding primarily on insects and larvae in the wild. • Supplemental Feeding: In captivity, feed a diet of high-quality Betta pellets, with occasional treats such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, or daphnia. • Feeding Frequency: Feed 1-2 times per day, offering only as much as they can consume in a few minutes. Compatibility • Temperament: Male Bettas, including Rose Petal Bettas, are known for their territorial and aggressive nature, especially toward other males. They are best kept alone or with peaceful species that do not resemble Bettas. • Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with small, peaceful fish like Corydoras, small snails, and shrimp. • Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with other male Bettas or fin-nipping species like Barbs. Care Level • Difficulty: Easy to moderate; they require proper tank conditions and regular maintenance to stay healthy. • Health Monitoring: Watch for signs of fin rot, velvet, or other diseases common to Bettas. Regular water changes and maintaining water quality are key to preventing health issues. Breeding • Breeding in Captivity: Breeding Betta Rose Petals is possible but requires preparation, including a breeding tank and careful monitoring of both the male and female during spawning. • Spawning: Males build bubble nests and protect the eggs until they hatch. It's crucial to remove the female after spawning to prevent aggression. Conclusion Betta Rose Petal is a stunning and unique variant of Betta splendens, known for its flowing, petal-like fins and vibrant coloration. They are an excellent choice for hobbyists who appreciate their beauty and personality. With the right care and attention, these Bettas can thrive and bring a striking presence to any aquarium.

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3.5 CM
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