Fourline Cleaner Wrasse

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SKU : 229849

1.5-2.25 INCH

Red Sea

Stock Available


Common Names: Fourline Cleaner Wrasse, Arabian Cleaner Wrasse.

Natural Habitat: Found in the coral reefs of the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf. Typically inhabits shallow reef zones where it forms symbiotic cleaning stations for other fish.

Physical Characteristics:

Appearance: The Fourline Cleaner Wrasse has a slender, elongated body with distinct horizontal stripes running along its length. Its coloration includes a base of light blue to white with black stripes, making it visually striking.

Size: Grows up to 5 inches (12 cm) in length.

Lifespan: Typically 2-5 years in captivity, though wild individuals often live longer.

Habitat Requirements:

Tank Size: Minimum of 50 gallons for a single specimen. A larger tank (100+ gallons) is preferable for housing multiple species.

Water Conditions:

Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C).

pH: 8.1-8.4.

Salinity: 1.020-1.025 specific gravity.

Aquascaping: Provide ample live rock for shelter and perching, along with open swimming areas. A reef-style setup with corals and diverse tank mates is ideal.


Primary Diet: In the wild, they feed on parasites, dead tissue, and mucus from other fish as part of their cleaning behavior.

Supplemental Feeding: In captivity, it is essential to provide a varied diet of finely chopped meaty foods like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, and marine fish roe. High-quality frozen foods enriched with vitamins are recommended.

Feeding Frequency: Feed 2-3 times daily. Ensure frequent feedings to meet their high metabolic demands.


Temperament: Peaceful; primarily interacts with other fish through its cleaning behavior.

Suitable Tank Mates: Best kept in reef or community tanks with larger, non-aggressive fish that benefit from its cleaning services, such as tangs, angelfish, and groupers.

Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with overly aggressive species or fish that may not tolerate cleaning interactions.

Care Level:

Difficulty: Advanced; requires specific care and feeding. This species may struggle to adapt to captivity due to its reliance on cleaning behaviors for food.

Health Monitoring: Watch for stress or starvation. A well-established reef system with diverse tank mates can improve survival rates.


Breeding Behavior: Rarely bred in captivity. In the wild, they form monogamous pairs and spawn in open water, releasing eggs and sperm into the water column.

Breeding in Captivity: Not commonly achieved due to their specific spawning behaviors and dietary needs.

Economic Considerations:

Market Demand: Sought after for its unique cleaning behavior and striking appearance.

Pricing: Moderate to high; availability is often limited due to the challenges of collection and acclimation.


The Fourline Cleaner Wrasse is a fascinating addition to marine aquariums, admired for its symbiotic role in the ecosystem. However, its care requires commitment and experience, as it is challenging to adapt to artificial diets and captivity conditions. Best suited for advanced aquarists with established reef systems, this species can thrive and showcase its unique behaviors with proper attention and care.

452 Items

Data sheet

Scientific Name
1.5-2.25 INCH
Red Sea
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