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2.5 CM
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Introduction Species: Hasemania nana Common Names: Silver Tip Tetra, Silvertip Natural Habitat: Found in the slow-moving streams and rivers of Brazil, particularly in the São Francisco River basin, where the water is clear, soft, and acidic with dense vegetation. Physical Characteristics Appearance: The Silver Tip Tetra is named for its striking silver-tipped fins, which contrast beautifully against its golden-bronze body. Males typically exhibit brighter colors, especially during breeding, while females are slightly larger and less vivid. Size: Reaches about 1.5-2 inches (3.8-5 cm) in length. Lifespan: Typically lives 3-5 years with proper care. Habitat Requirements Tank Size: A minimum of 15 gallons is recommended for a small school of 6-8 individuals. A larger tank is preferable for more dynamic behavior and larger groups. Water Conditions: Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C) pH: 5.5-7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral) Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water (2-12 dGH). Aquascaping: Provide a well-planted aquarium with open swimming spaces and a dark substrate to enhance their coloration. Include driftwood, rocks, and floating plants for shade and natural aesthetics. Diet Primary Diet: Omnivorous; in the wild, they feed on small invertebrates, algae, and plant material. Supplemental Feeding: Offer high-quality flake food, micro pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. A varied diet helps maintain their vibrant coloration. Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts 1-2 times daily, ensuring no uneaten food remains. Behavior and Compatibility Temperament: Active and peaceful, Silver Tip Tetras are best kept in schools of 8 or more to exhibit natural shoaling behavior. They can become nippy if kept in too small groups. Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with other peaceful fish like Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Corydoras, and small gouramis. Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with aggressive or larger fish that may prey on them, and fin-nipping species like Tiger Barbs. Care Level Difficulty: Easy; they are hardy and adaptable, making them a great choice for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. Health Monitoring: Regularly check for signs of stress or disease, such as faded coloration, torn fins, or lethargy. Maintain stable water parameters to prevent health issues. Breeding Breeding in Captivity: Breeding is straightforward under proper conditions. Spawning Behavior: Silver Tip Tetras are egg scatterers. Condition the breeding pair with live or frozen food. Eggs hatch within 24-36 hours, and fry become free-swimming in about 3-4 days. A separate breeding tank with fine-leaved plants or a spawning mop is recommended. Economic Considerations Market Demand: Popular among aquarists for their active nature and vibrant coloration. Pricing: Affordable and widely available, making them accessible to hobbyists. Sustainability and Conservation Wild Population: Not considered endangered; most specimens in the aquarium trade are bred in captivity. Aquaculture Efforts: Captive breeding reduces pressure on wild populations and ensures sustainable supply. Conclusion The Silver Tip Tetra is a lively and visually striking addition to freshwater aquariums. Their shimmering silver-tipped fins and golden hues bring elegance to community tanks. With minimal care requirements and a peaceful temperament, they are a delightful choice for aquarists seeking an active and vibrant species to brighten their aquariums.
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