Mexican Turbo Snail

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SKU : 226908

0.75-2 INCH


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Introduction Common Names: Mexican Turbo Snail, Turbo Snail Scientific Name: Turbo fluctuosa Natural Habitat: Found in the rocky intertidal zones of the Gulf of California and other areas along the Pacific coast of Mexico. These snails inhabit reef environments and graze on algae-covered surfaces. Physical Characteristics Appearance: Rounded, spiral shell with a glossy, greenish to brown coloration, often with white or darker streaks. Their soft body is gray or cream-colored with speckled patterns. Size: Typically grows to about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) in diameter. Lifespan: Average lifespan of 3-5 years in an aquarium when properly cared for. Habitat Requirements Tank Size: Minimum of 10 gallons for a single snail; larger tanks are ideal for groups. Water Conditions: Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C). pH: 8.1-8.4. Salinity: 1.023-1.025 specific gravity. Aquascaping: Provide plenty of live rock and surfaces for algae growth. Ensure stable rock structures, as these snails are strong and can dislodge unstable decorations. Diet Primary Diet: Herbivorous; grazes on various algae types, including green film algae, diatoms, and hair algae. Supplemental Feeding: If algae are insufficient, offer algae wafers, blanched vegetables (such as spinach or zucchini), or dried seaweed (nori). Feeding Frequency: As needed, based on algae availability. Compatibility Temperament: Peaceful; excellent addition to reef tanks as part of a cleanup crew. Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with most reef-safe fish, invertebrates, and corals. Ideal companions include clownfish, gobies, hermit crabs, and other peaceful species. Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with predatory fish or invertebrates such as triggerfish, pufferfish, or large crabs, which may harm or eat them. Care Level Difficulty: Easy; well-suited for beginners. Health Monitoring: Monitor for signs of stress, such as a closed operculum or prolonged inactivity. Avoid exposing them to sudden changes in water parameters or high nitrate levels. Tank Maintenance: Perform regular water changes to maintain stable parameters and a healthy algae supply. Breeding Breeding in Captivity: Rare and challenging. These snails reproduce via external fertilization, releasing eggs and sperm into the water column. Requirements: Spawning is more likely in large, mature reef tanks with stable conditions. The larvae are planktonic and difficult to rear in captivity. Economic Considerations Market Demand: Highly sought after for their algae-eating abilities and role in maintaining clean, healthy aquariums. Pricing: Moderately priced and readily available in the aquarium trade. Conclusion The Mexican Turbo Snail is an indispensable member of any reef tank cleanup crew. Their efficient algae-grazing abilities, peaceful nature, and ease of care make them a favorite among aquarists. Providing a stable environment and sufficient food ensures these snails thrive and contribute to the overall health of the aquarium.

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