SKU : 118928

2.5 CM


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Introduction: • Species: Black Harlequin Rasbora • Common Names: Black Harlequin Rasbora, Harlequin Rasbora • Natural Habitat: Found in the slow-moving streams and floodplains of Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia, where they inhabit densely vegetated areas. Physical Characteristics: • Appearance: Features a streamlined body with a striking black triangular marking on the rear half, set against a silver or light gold body. Their fins are often transparent with hints of red. • Size: Generally reaches about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. • Lifespan: Can live for approximately 5 years or more under proper care. Habitat Requirements: • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is suitable for a small group, with larger tanks recommended for more extensive communities. • Water Conditions: o Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 74-82°F (23-28°C). o pH: Prefers slightly acidic to neutral water, ideally between 6.0 and 7.5. • Aquascaping: A well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood and dense vegetation, is essential to replicate their natural habitat. Diet: • Primary Diet: Omnivorous, feeding on small insects, zooplankton, and plant matter in the wild. • Supplemental Feeding: A balanced diet of high-quality flake food, micro pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods like daphnia or brine shrimp is recommended. • Feeding Frequency: Feed small portions 2-3 times daily to ensure optimal health and nutrition. Compatibility: • Temperament: Generally peaceful and sociable, making them great community fish. • Suitable Tank Mates: Works well with other small, non-aggressive species such as tetras, other rasboras, and peaceful bottom dwellers. • Incompatibilities: Should not be housed with larger or aggressive fish that may bully or prey on them. Care Level: • Difficulty: Considered easy to care for; requires stable water parameters and a varied diet. • Health Monitoring: Regular monitoring for signs of stress and disease, particularly in cases of poor water quality. Breeding: • Breeding in Captivity: Possible with proper conditions; requires a breeding tank with fine-leaved plants for spawning. • Spawning: Egg scatterers, where males court females by displaying vivid colors; the eggs are left unguarded and hatch in about 24-36 hours. Economic Considerations: • Market Demand: Popular among aquarists for their attractive appearance and easy care, leading to high demand in the aquarium trade. • Wholesale/Retail Pricing: Generally affordable due to widespread breeding in captivity. Sustainability and Conservation: • Wild Population: While generally stable, habitat loss is a concern in some areas. • Aquaculture Efforts: Frequently bred in captivity, helping reduce the pressure on wild populations. • Regulations: Compliance with local and international regulations regarding fish conservation is essential. Conclusion: The Black Harlequin Rasbora is an attractive and lively addition to freshwater aquariums, valued for its distinctive markings and peaceful nature. Its manageable care needs make it a perfect choice for both beginners and seasoned aquarists. With proper care, this species can thrive, bringing joy and beauty to any community aquarium.

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2.5 CM
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