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Kohaku Guppy
1.38 INCH
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Introduction: Common Names: Koi Tuxedo Guppy Natural Habitat: Originally from the tropical freshwater environments of South America, Koi Tuxedo Guppies are selectively bred varieties not found in the wild. However, they thrive in similar habitats such as slow-moving rivers and ponds. Physical Characteristics: Appearance: Known for their striking colors, Koi Tuxedo Guppies feature a combination of vibrant red and white, resembling koi fish, with contrasting black markings on their body, particularly around the tail and dorsal fin. Males are more vividly colored, while females have a more subdued appearance. Size: Typically grows to about 1.5-2.5 inches (4-6 cm) in length. Lifespan: With proper care, they can live 2-3 years. Habitat Requirements: Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended for a small group. A larger tank is preferable for a community setup to allow for comfortable swimming space. Water Conditions: Temperature: Ideal water temperature ranges from 72-82°F (22-28°C). pH: Prefers slightly alkaline water with a pH between 7.0-7.8. Aquascaping: Include a well-planted tank with open swimming areas. Use floating plants and decor that provide hiding spots but also leave enough open space for guppies to explore. Diet: Primary Diet: Omnivorous; in the wild, they consume a mix of plant material and small invertebrates. Supplemental Feeding: Provide high-quality flakes or micro-pellets, and supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as daphnia, brine shrimp, or bloodworms. Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts 1-2 times daily, ensuring variety to promote optimal health and coloration. Compatibility: Temperament: Peaceful and social, making them excellent for community tanks. Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with other peaceful species such as mollies, platies, tetras, and corydoras. They do well in groups and enjoy the company of other guppies. Incompatibilities: Avoid aggressive or fin-nipping fish, such as barbs and some larger cichlids, that may harass or injure them. Care Level: Difficulty: Easy; suitable for beginner aquarists due to their adaptability and resilience in a variety of water conditions. Health Monitoring: Regularly observe for common diseases like fin rot or parasites. Keep water conditions stable to reduce stress and maintain their health. Breeding: Breeding in Captivity: Like other guppies, Koi Tuxedo Guppies are livebearers, giving birth to fully-formed fry. They breed easily without much intervention. Spawning: Females can give birth to 20-40 fry every 4-6 weeks. Provide dense plant cover or a separate breeding box to increase fry survival rates. Economic Considerations: Market Demand: Highly popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their unique coloration and ease of care. Wholesale Pricing: Prices vary based on the intensity of coloration and fin shape, generally mid-range. Retail Pricing: Koi Tuxedo Guppies are moderately priced, often slightly higher than standard guppies due to their selective breeding and striking appearance. Sustainability and Conservation: Wild Population: Not applicable as they are a selectively bred species. Aquaculture Efforts: Widely bred in captivity, ensuring stable populations within the hobby and reducing the need for wild collection. Conclusion: The Koi Tuxedo Guppy is a beautiful, easy-to-care-for fish that adds vibrant color and peaceful behavior to any freshwater aquarium. Their hardy nature and active swimming patterns make them ideal for both novice and experienced aquarists. With proper care, these stunning guppies will thrive in community tanks, offering endless enjoyment with their graceful movement and brilliant coloration.
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