SKU : 110287



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Introduction: • Species: Blue Gourami • Common Names: Blue Gourami, Three-Spot Gourami, Opaline Gourami • Natural Habitat: Native to slow-moving rivers, ponds, and swamps across Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Physical Characteristics: • Appearance: Oval-shaped body with a bluish-silver coloration. Some individuals have darker spots, with the most common form displaying two distinct dark spots on the body. • Size: Can grow up to 6 inches (15 cm) in length. • Lifespan: Typically lives 4-6 years with good care. Habitat Requirements: • Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for a single individual, with larger tanks needed for groups or community setups. • Water Conditions: o Temperature: 74-82°F (23-28°C). o pH: 6.0-8.0. • Aquascaping: Prefers tanks with plenty of vegetation, both floating and rooted plants, and open swimming areas. Provide hiding spots with driftwood or rock caves. Diet: • Primary Diet: Omnivorous; feeds on small insects, larvae, and plant material in the wild. • Supplemental Feeding: In aquariums, they thrive on high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. • Feeding Frequency: Feed 1-2 times per day in small portions. Compatibility: • Temperament: Generally peaceful but can become territorial, particularly males during breeding. They may show aggression towards smaller or slow-moving fish. • Suitable Tank Mates: Compatible with similarly sized peaceful fish such as tetras, barbs, and corydoras. • Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with aggressive or fin-nipping species, as this can cause stress or injury to the Gourami. Care Level: • Difficulty: Easy to moderate; they adapt well to a variety of water conditions but need stable parameters and a varied diet. • Health Monitoring: Regularly check for signs of disease, including fin rot and fungal infections, and ensure water quality remains high. Breeding: • Breeding in Captivity: Relatively easy. Males create bubble nests on the water’s surface, and after spawning, they guard the eggs. • Spawning: The male tends to the eggs, which hatch within 24-48 hours, and cares for the fry until they become free-swimming. Economic Considerations: • Market Demand: Popular among aquarium hobbyists for their hardiness and striking appearance. • Wholesale/Retail Pricing: Affordably priced and commonly available in most pet stores. Sustainability and Conservation: • Wild Population: Stable in the wild, though habitat degradation poses a potential threat. • Aquaculture Efforts: Widely bred in captivity for the aquarium trade, reducing pressure on wild populations. • Regulations: No significant restrictions, though it’s essential to purchase from responsible breeders. Conclusion: The Blue Gourami is a hardy and visually appealing addition to freshwater aquariums. Its peaceful nature, combined with its adaptability, makes it a good choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Proper care, including stable water conditions and a balanced diet, will ensure this species thrives in community tanks.

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