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SKU : 126884



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Introduction: • Species: Goldfish • Common Names: Calico Ryukin Goldfish • Natural Habitat: A domesticated variety of goldfish, originally bred in China and Japan, with a history dating back centuries. Physical Characteristics: • Appearance: The Calico Ryukin is characterized by its rounded body shape, prominent hump at the back, and distinctive flowing fins. Its calico pattern features a blend of orange, white, and blue hues, giving each fish a unique and vibrant appearance. • Size: Typically reaches lengths of 6-8 inches (15-20 cm). • Lifespan: With proper care, Calico Ryukin goldfish can live for 10-15 years or more. Habitat Requirements: • Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons is recommended for one fish; larger tanks are better for groups to accommodate their swimming needs. • Water Conditions: o Temperature: 65-75°F (18-24°C). o pH: 6.5-7.5. o Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water is ideal. • Aquascaping: Provide plenty of open swimming space with smooth decorations and plants. Use soft substrate and avoid sharp objects to protect their delicate fins. Diet: • Primary Diet: Omnivorous; in their natural habitat, they consume algae, small crustaceans, and plant material. • Supplemental Feeding: Offer high-quality goldfish pellets or flakes, along with occasional treats of live or frozen foods such as bloodworms or daphnia, as well as blanched vegetables like peas. • Feeding Frequency: Feed small portions 2-3 times daily, ensuring that food is consumed quickly to prevent water quality issues. Compatibility: • Temperament: Generally peaceful and sociable, Calico Ryukin goldfish thrive in community tanks with other non-aggressive fish. • Suitable Tank Mates: Other fancy goldfish varieties such as Orandas and Lionheads are compatible companions. • Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with fast swimmers or aggressive species that may outcompete them for food or nip their long fins. Care Level: • Difficulty: Moderate; they require stable water parameters and regular maintenance due to their susceptibility to certain health issues. • Health Monitoring: Watch for common problems such as swim bladder disorders, ich, and fin rot, which can affect fancy goldfish. Breeding: • Breeding in Captivity: Possible with the right conditions. Breeding is generally triggered by temperature changes in the spring. • Spawning: They lay eggs on plant surfaces, and it is advisable to separate the adults from the eggs to protect them from being eaten. Economic Considerations: • Market Demand: Calico Ryukin goldfish are highly sought after for their unique coloration and charming appearance. • Wholesale Pricing: Prices vary based on size, coloration, and fin quality, generally falling in the moderate range. • Retail Pricing: Typically ranges from moderate to high, with exceptional specimens fetching higher prices. Sustainability and Conservation: • Wild Population: Not applicable as Calico Ryukin goldfish are a domesticated breed. • Aquaculture Efforts: They are extensively bred in captivity, ensuring a reliable supply for the aquarium trade. Conclusion: The Calico Ryukin Goldfish is a captivating addition to any aquarium, admired for its unique appearance and charming personality. While they require some care and attention, their beauty and engaging behavior make them a rewarding choice for aquarists. With proper husbandry, Calico Ryukin goldfish can thrive, bringing color and life to aquatic environments for many years.

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