SKU : 102012



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Introduction: • Species: Koi Betta • Common Names: Koi Betta, Siamese Fighting Fish • Natural Habitat: Native to the shallow, slow-moving waters of Thailand, Malaysia, and parts of Vietnam. Physical Characteristics: • Appearance: Features a distinctive koi-like coloration with a blend of bright oranges, whites, and blacks. The body is sleek with long, flowing fins that resemble those of koi fish, contributing to their unique appearance. • Size: Typically grows up to 2.5-3 inches (6.4-7.6 cm) in length. • Lifespan: Can live 2-4 years with appropriate care. Habitat Requirements: • Tank Size: Minimum of 5 gallons recommended; larger tanks are better for maintaining water quality and providing ample swimming space. • Water Conditions: o Temperature: 76-82°F (24-28°C). o pH: 6.5-7.5. o Water Hardness: Prefers soft to moderately hard water. • Aquascaping: Provide hiding spots with plants, rocks, and caves. A well-planted tank with gentle filtration is ideal, but avoid strong water currents as Betta fish prefer calm water. Diet: • Primary Diet: Carnivorous; primarily feeds on high-quality betta pellets or flakes designed for carnivorous fish. • Supplemental Feeding: Occasionally offer live or frozen foods like bloodworms, daphnia, or brine shrimp for variety. • Feeding Frequency: Feed small amounts 1-2 times a day, ensuring not to overfeed and maintain water quality. Compatibility: • Temperament: Generally solitary and territorial; females can be kept together in groups called sororities, but males should be housed individually or with non-aggressive tank mates. • Suitable Tank Mates: Ideal tank mates include peaceful species such as small tetras, rasboras, and snails. Avoid fin-nippers or aggressive fish. • Incompatibilities: Avoid housing with other male Bettas or aggressive species that may provoke or harm the Betta. Care Level: • Difficulty: Moderate; requires careful management of water quality and attention to individual tank needs. • Health Monitoring: Regularly check for signs of disease such as fin rot, velvet, or ich. Maintain water quality and monitor for stress or injuries. Breeding: • Breeding in Captivity: Breeding is possible with proper setup; males build bubble nests and court females. The female lays eggs in the bubble nest, which the male then fertilizes and guards. • Spawning: Egg layers; the male takes responsibility for caring for the eggs and fry until they are free-swimming. Economic Considerations: • Market Demand: Highly sought after for their striking coloration and unique appearance. • Wholesale Pricing: Generally priced higher due to their vibrant colors and selective breeding. • Retail Pricing: Reflects their appeal and rarity, often in the moderate to high price range. Sustainability and Conservation: • Wild Population: Wild populations are threatened by habitat loss and pollution; most Bettas in the trade are bred in captivity. • Aquaculture Efforts: Successful breeding programs ensure availability and reduce pressure on wild populations. Conclusion: The Koi Betta is a captivating aquarium fish known for its vivid koi-like coloration and elegant fins. While they are relatively easy to care for, they require a stable environment and appropriate tank mates to thrive. With proper care, Koi Bettas offer a vibrant and dynamic addition to freshwater aquariums, enhancing both aesthetic appeal and hobbyist enjoyment.

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