Dispar Anthias male

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SKU : 217655


Sri Lanka

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Introduction: Species: Dispar Anthias (Pseudanthias dispar) Common Names: Peach Anthias, Madder Seaperch, Dispar Anthias Natural Habitat: Found in coral reefs across the Indo-Pacific, particularly around Indonesia, Fiji, and the Maldives. Physical Characteristics: Appearance: Displays a slender body with a stunning blend of peach to pinkish-orange coloration; males often feature brighter colors with a distinct lavender-blue edge along the dorsal fin. Size: Typically grows to about 3-4 inches (7.5-10 cm) in length. Lifespan: Lives 3-5 years in captivity with proper care. Habitat Requirements: Tank Size: Minimum of 70 gallons, with extra space encouraged for schooling groups. Water Conditions: Temperature: 72-78°F (22-26°C) pH: Slightly alkaline, around 8.1-8.4 Aquascaping: Include live rock structures for hiding and open areas for schooling; low lighting mimics their natural reef environment. Diet: Primary Diet: Planktivorous, feeding primarily on zooplankton in the wild. Supplemental Feeding: Feed a varied diet of high-quality marine pellets, mysis shrimp, copepods, and other planktonic foods. Feeding Frequency: Multiple small feedings throughout the day, to mimic natural grazing habits. Compatibility: Temperament: Peaceful and social; thrives in groups that allow natural schooling behavior. Suitable Tank Mates: Other peaceful reef fish like gobies, tangs, and wrasses. Incompatibilities: Avoid aggressive or highly competitive feeders, which may stress them or impact their access to food. Care Level: Difficulty: Moderate; requires stable water quality and frequent feeding. Health Monitoring: Watch for signs of stress, including color loss or decreased appetite, and maintain excellent water conditions to prevent disease. Breeding: Breeding in Captivity: Rarely achieved due to specific spawning behaviors. Spawning: Males perform courtship displays at dusk, although successful spawning in aquariums is uncommon. Economic Considerations: Market Demand: Popular in the saltwater aquarium trade for their colors and schooling behavior. Wholesale Pricing: Mid-range, depending on availability and coloration. Retail Pricing: Prices vary, with males often commanding a premium due to their brighter coloration. Sustainability and Conservation: Wild Population: Generally stable, though collection may impact certain reefs. Aquaculture Efforts: Limited success in breeding; most available specimens are wild-caught. Regulations: Follow local and international guidelines to support sustainable marine fishkeeping practices. Conclusion: The Dispar Anthias Male is a beautiful and peaceful fish that enhances reef aquariums with its vibrant colors and graceful schooling behavior. With appropriate care and tank conditions, it can thrive and bring life to a well-maintained marine setup.

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